Yoana Terán Casabianca is co-author of Revolution Kettlebell Fat Lost Program DVDs
Attack Your Fat From Every Angle and Guarantee the Physique You Crave By Following This Proven Formula of Kettlebell, Nutrition, Lifestyle and Special Mindset Secrets... This DVD will revolutionize the way you use Kettlebells as well as your lifestyle. Full of practical tips that will enhance your eating habits and accelerate fat loss. This DVD can be used as a stand alone workout or it can be used in conjunction with the Revolution Kettlebells Fat Loss Program Book.
Yoana Terán Casabianca is co-author of Kettlebells en Espanol DVD
Aprenda los 6 Movimentos Básicos Fundamentales con Kettlebells.
Yoana Terán Casabianca’s Kettlebell Mommy™ book is the definitive guide to working out while pregnant. This book contains practical, safe instruction that leads you week by week through your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Trimester and after childbirth. (145 pages)
Written by one of the most experienced and influential female kettlebell instructors in the USA,
A Simple Manual designed to guide, encourage and teach pregnant women how to stay Fit and Healthy while pregnant!
*Only within USA Territory
Yoana Terán Casabianca is co-author of Revolution Kettlebell 30 Day Fat Lost Program E-Book
Need to see great results in just 30 days?
Yoana Terán Casabianca is co-author of Revolution Kettlebell Fat Lost Program Book
It is the first program of its kind; full of practical tips that will enhance your eating habits and accelerate fat loss. Over 40 different exercises, more than 7 fat burning routines and a complete nutrition guide to get in the best shape of your life!
Yoana Terán Casabianca is co-author of Quick Results Kettlebell Workout DVD
Are you too busy and don’t have hours to train? Then Quick Results Kettlebell Workout is perfect for you. It is easy to follow and tailored to boost endurance, strength and cardio conditioning. All at the same time!
Yoana Terán Casabianca is co-author of Revolution Solution DVD
Use this fitness program to learn how to use kettlebells and ropes for maximum fat loss. With over 30 rope drills that you can use in your training From beginner to intermediate and advanced this DVD has it all!